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Online Event
8 October 2024 11:00–12:30

Webinar - Get to know the research initiatives about Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing

Join our upcoming webinar to discover the innovative work of seven cutting-edge projects funded by the HORIZON Europe call "Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and Automation for More Efficient Data Processing": HYPER-AI, INTEND, EMPYREAN, ENACT, MYRTUS, Swarmchestrate and COGNETs.

This joint webinar will highlight the collaborative efforts and breakthroughs in the integration of the IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum, AI-driven resource management, and hyper-distributed computing ecosystems. Each project will share their future goals and expected contributions to advancing research in AI and the IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum, outlining the anticipated achievements within their respective domains.

Who should attend:

  • Telecommunication Industries & ISP Providers
  • ICT and IoT experts
  • Application developers
  • Business leaders and decision-makers
  • Policy makers
  • Academics and researchers

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Key Takeaways

  • Cutting-Edge Research: Discover the latest advancements from seven pioneering projects in cognitive computing and data processing funded by HORIZON Europe.
  • IoT-Edge-Cloud Integration: Gain insights into how the integration of IoT, Edge, and Cloud technologies is revolutionising data processing and management.
  • AI and Resource Management: Learn about AI-driven strategies for optimising resource management and enhancing efficiency in heterogenous computing environments.
  • Future Goals and Innovations: Understand the future goals and expected contributions of each project, offering a glimpse into the advancements that plan to shape the industry.

Draft Agenda (CEST):

11:00 - 11:05 | Introduction from Emiliano Corà - EU Commission Project Officer
  • Introduction of the topic and expected results.
  • Short introduction of HYPER-AI & project synergies.
11:05 - 11:15 | HYPER-AI: Hyper-Distributed AI Platform for Network Resources Automation and Management 
  • Overview of objectives, consortium, and expected outcomes.
  • Key innovations and applications in industry use cases.
11:15 - 11:25 | INTEND: Integrating Human-Like Intelligence into Cloud-Edge-IoT Computing
  • Project goals and integration of human-centric AI.
  • Key methodologies and cross-domain software tools.
11:25 - 11:35 | EMPYREAN: Enabling Hyper-Distributed Computing via IoT Federations
  • AI-driven decision-making and secure data management.
  • Standardised APIs for diverse applications such as manufacturing and agriculture.
11:35 - 11:45 | ENACT: Enhancing Resource Management with AI and Dynamic Graph Models
  • Introduction of the innovative Application Programming Model (APM).
  • Self-determining applications and validation across diverse use cases.
11:45 - 11:55 | MYRTUS: Enhancing CPS through Edge, Fog, and Cloud Integration
  • Featuring a computing continuum ecosystem, composed of a reference infrastructure, a cognitive engine, and a programming environment, aligned with the EU-CEI standardisation effort and with other European activities.
  • Proposing a 360° AI-based workload and resource management to foster performance and energy optimisation, while preserving security and trust.
11:55 - 12:05 | Swarmchestrate: Introducing Self-Organising Swarms for Edge and Fog Computing 
  • Decentralised orchestration agents and blockchain-based trust.
  • Dynamic application management and key innovations.
12:05 - 12:15 | COGNETs: Integration of Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing 
  • Project goals and integration of Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing.
12:15 - 12:30 | Panel Discussion & Q&A: Synergies and Future Directions 
  • Exploring potential synergies between the projects.
  • Discussion on future research directions and collaborative opportunities.

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